Pegasus H-47 Chinook Website Guestbook

C co 159th

Added: August 7, 2012
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Thanks for starting this web site. I follow it and check it every few weeks. I'm really glad someone is putting down the history of the aircraft I mean some of them are over fifty years old. Hard to think about how many sole's have been on them.

Added: June 27, 2012
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Added: June 23, 2012
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Added: April 25, 2012
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Maintenance Team Leader, TI and FE with the 243rd Freight Train 70-71.. we have a new web site! Search 243rdfreighttrain. I love this site, been coming here for years to get the CH47 fix... Awesomely done!

Added: April 16, 2012
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Just got this site from a Hook pilot. Great site!!!

1st Avn. Bde. 243rd ASH Co. Dong Ba Thin, RVN 7-69/8-70
PE Wrench CH-47 A models

LUV 'em!!!

Added: April 6, 2012
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Great site!
I was reviewing the tail number and wondered what became of my old ship, 6718504. She was mine through the summer and fall of 1970 along with 6718507 (507 was lost on the last day of Fire Base Ripcord (I was not on her that day)
504 was upgraded to a D model, I was wondering what the new/current tail number was and where she is now stationed. I was her FE from, I believe it was about 960 hours to when she went into the 1200 our PE in November of 70(when I left country.)
A great airship.

SP-5 Tom Taylor

Added: April 5, 2012
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Served with the following units:

213th Avn. Co. (Black Cats), Korea, 1978 - 99 (67-18532) and 1983 – 84 (74-22278)
243rd Avn. Co. (Freight Train), Ft. Lewis, WA, 1979 – 83 and 1984 – 85 (67-18444)

It was an honor to have served with many of the finest CH-47 aircrews. I will always remember the times and memories that I spent as a CE/FE with fondness and I will never forget that: the engine is cleared to ground, we have two burnings and six turnings, and the ramp is checked in the green!!

Added: February 28, 2012
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Added: February 28, 2012
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This is the real Sherman still kic
ken * * * in long dis. runs at my age the only one who can beat me is my son 5k 18.30
and Im an old man
Mark loved flying with you as a Geronimo
Still need to get the Lizzard Lounge plaque to the commander its hangin in my hallway 839 2976

Added: February 22, 2012
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